New effort, new URL, why not a new paint job?
One of the benefits of being an Ember guy and a Ghost guy is making it crazy simple to edit theme layouts, since Ghost is an Ember app! Handlebars, helpers, how the data flows through, it's all there, same as every other Ember app out there!
Firefox Dev tools, with the Ember Inspector extension loaded, showing the Ember internals of the Ghost admin app
I've got a layer of Cloudflare out front, Twitter card support, AMP support (just add /amp to the end of any individual post URL to see it, like this), redirection from my old blog URL to the equivalent one here, and automatic HTTPS on top of everything. Not bad at all for something that took maybe a couple hours to get just to where I like it.
Where I go from here, I don't know, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. 😃