SharePoint Saturday NYCIn an attempt to reward some of the top notch speakers/early submissions for SharePoint Saturday New York City, we did something like a first round draft pick for speakers.  For each track, myself & the other two organizers chose someone that we felt best represented the track & what we were hoping to present with it.

For SPSNYC this year, we are also introducing the concept of Beginner & Advanced tracks, not locked to any one topic like IT or development. Other SP Saturdays have done a Beginner or SP 101 track, but I haven't seen anything on the Advanced side. I had hoped that such a track would give the people that are the resident SharePoint experts in their office something to really learn something new that they might not have come across in their normal project work.

Anyway, without further ado, here are our SharePoint Saturday NYC 2011 Track Anchors in no particular order:

And that's just to start - we'll have the ten tracks you see above, each with 5 sessions, plus content during lunch, ask the experts, and more. The call for speakers & sponsors is still open, with the deadline for speakers on May 1, and sponsors on May 15th; registration has not been opened yet.

For more information, as always, go to